Workshop-Symposium on Methods in Music and Emotion

The Workshop-Symposium on Methods in Music and Emotion took place on the 14th of September 2019 at St. Chad’s College, Durham University, United Kingdom. Participants gave presentations focusing on research methodology deployed in experiments on the topic of music and emotion, with a primary interest in cross-cultural applications. Juan Sebastián Gómez Cañón (UPF) presented his work on emotion annotation analysis done in collaboration with Emilia Gómez (UPF/JRC), Perfecto Herrera (UPF), and Estefanía Cano (A*STAR).

The goal of the presented study was to understand the influence of lyrics comprehension on the perception of emotions and use this information to improve Music Emotion Recognition (MER) models. Two main research questions were addressed: 1. Are there differences and similarities between the emotions perceived in pop/rock music by listeners raised with different mother tongues? 2. Do personal characteristics have an influence on the perceived emotions for listeners of a given language? 


Juan Sebastián Gómez Cañón, Perfecto Herrera, Emilia Gómez, Estefanía Cano (2019). The emotions that we perceive in music: the influence of language and lyrics comprehension on agreement.


