The TROMPA project will advance various research disciplines, as represented by the various project partners.
More concretely, the following disciplines and knowledge will be contributed to by the project:
Music and musicology, music history (GOLD, CDR): Evolution of music structures in composition and performance (melody, harmony, patterns, etc.), similarity and style characterisation.
Music psychology, perception, performance science (MDW): Music perception and performance skills involved in human annotation, music performance appreciation, and intuitive visualisation.
Library sciences (CDR, MDW): Library science, ontologies, metadata, interfaces to relevant library collections (including non-music collections).
Computer science and engineering (UPF, TUD): artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, information retrieval, signal processing and educational technologies.
At the same time, TROMPA will also be rooted in the interdisciplinary domains of computational musicology (GOLD) and music information retrieval (UPF, TUD, GOLD, MDW).
Under the various research submenus, several specific topics of interest to the project are highlighted.