Last week, Helena Cuesta (from UPF) attended the 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and 10th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music in Graz (Austria). She presented the following TROMPA paper in the poster session, as well as a contribution to the proceedings:

Cuesta, H., Gómez, E., Martorell, A., Loáiciga, F. Analysis of Intonation in Unison Choir Singing.

ICMPC/ESCOM is a very multidisciplinary conference, bringing together people from very different fields related to music such as music psychology, music perception, neuroscience, music theory, or music information retrieval.

The study investigates several expressive characteristics of unison choir singing, focusing on how singers blend together and interact with each other in terms of fundamental frequency dispersion, intonation, and vibrato. They also present an open dataset of choral singing that is available here, and was created in collaboration with the Anton Bruckner Choir (Barcelona). The study has been carried out in the context of the use-case for choir singers of our project. 

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