TROMPA's first workshop for Music Scholars

Tim Crawford organised the first of three planned annual TROMPA workshops for music scholars at the British Library, London, April 5, 2019, facilitated by TROMPA Associate Partner, Richard Ranft (British Library National Sound Archive).

The workshop was attended by about 20 enthusiastic participants, including several members of the BL staff.

Speakers and their topics were as follows:

TROMPA at CICLing 2019

The International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing) is an annual conference on computational linguistics (CL) and natural language processing (NLP). The conference is intended to encourage exchange of opinions between scientists working in different areas related to computational linguistics, intelligent text and speech processing.

First Annual TROMPA workshop for Music Scholars

5 April 2019 A free workshop at the British Library in London for anyone interested in using digital tools to explore classical music. Keynote speaker Emmanouil Benetos, plus presentations from the TROMPA Music Scholars team. A foretaste of the tools we are designing and a chance to offer your own suggestions for TROMPA's development over the next two years.

Open call for choirs to participate in TROMPA project

We are looking for choirs to participate in our research project during 2019

This call is addressed to local choirs interested in our research and that want to contribute to the improvement of open archives of choir scores. In order to engage in this first stage with local choirs in Barcelona, due to practical reasons, the call is now only in catalan.

Busquem corals per participar en el nostre projecte de recerca durant el 2019

TROMPA at the Web Audio Conference, Berlin 2018

The Web Audio Conference is an international conference dedicated to emerging audio-related web technologies such as Web Audio API, Web MIDI and Web RTC / WebGL. This year, from 19th to 21st of September the fourth edition was organized at the TU Berlin gathering web developers, music technologists, computer musicians, application designers, researchers, and people involved in web standards.